HOA Board Corruption

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New Member
I need advice for myself and the homeowners. We have 3 board members on our HOA of which were placed there after the management company handed over responsibility. We can't find out if this member was voted in or elected by the management company.

The managment company is still involved, but our HOA President hasn't responded to many questions the homeowners have. Now homeowners are going to the Property Mgr of which answers are directed to in the bylaws and convenants. While they need to be revised, it seems the property manager has told us to go to the HOA President.

The problem is we can't get answers from anyone. All answers are directed to bylaws which means the board members need to take action. They aren't. They are spending funds as we're told they have the power to do so without the community involvement. Now our reserves have lost over $10,000 and when requesting the financials were sent the annual budget, but no line by line actuals. We want to get the information now, December will be too late!

Do we need to retain a lawyer to get access to the information? With so many homeowners upset over their actions, needless to say the communication to the entire community has failed.

What can we do to 1) fire the management company 2) make the board issue financial reports for every month to current?

We are all frustrated and need help fast!
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