Help with legal roommate issue

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New Member
Hello, I put in a 60 day notice to move out of my and my roommate's apartment in the beginning of June. This legally leaves me responsibly for the rent until July 31, 2008. The day I put in my notice (June 5, 2008 - grace period of five days) was the same day I told my roommate I was moving out. She was not happy to say the least. According to my building manager and the management company, I am only responsible for the rent through July. Since my roommate claims that she spoke with a lawyer and I didn't give her enough reasonable time to make a decision whether or not she would stay or move out (June 5 was the last day to decide for either of us since I put in my notice already), then I am responsible for paying for August as well. I am considering speaking to a lawyer about this and am also having our management company put in writing that I am only responsible for the rent for July. I'm wondering if it's worth going to small claims court over this ($400 my share for one month's rent), or if she wants to take me to court should I just pay (as in, will it cost more to get a lawyer and go to court)?
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