Has the Car Dealership breached contract and do I have any case to sue?

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New Member
I went over to a big dealership, Orange Coast Dodge & Jeep because I made an Inquiry over the internet and did the online credit check. I was pre-approved based on my low score and was told to go to the dealership. On March 5, 2011 I went to the dealership and It was explained to me by the salesman that they have experience dealing with bad credit and getting it approved. I was almost sure I would not be approved and did not expect to drive home in a new car that day. But they said they were able to approve me and let me drive off the lot if I showed that the car was added onto my insurance. I signed all of the neccessary contracts with the general manager and was told I would recieve a call in 2 days to go over the finance details. On March 16, I was contacted via mail that I was no longer approved and that I must immediately return the vehicle or face legal action against me for recovery fees, lawer and court fees, etc. Now I have this new car that I must return, take off of my insurance policy, and now I have no car for work which was the primary use of the car. This issue is going to cause me to miss out on work. It is something that could have easily been avoided if they wanted for me to be approved before taking delivery of the car. :mad:
If you read the contract you signed you will likely find a clause which allows them to void the contract within a certain time period in just this sort of scenario. What you describe is not uncommon.
They had not done anything wrong, and you do not have any damages. Return the car and you will be released from the contract. If you keep the car they will repossess it and then sue you for the bill.
Give it back pronto and get yourself a nice used car that is in your price range that doesn't require a large amount on credit.
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