Harassed by Neighbor

About 6 months ago my fiance and i started being harassed by our downstairs neighbor. On several occasions he aggressively approached my fiance accusing him of parking in the wrong space, and said that we were too loud. Which was quite on the contrary. We bagan having issues with him immediately after he moved in below. Now, i understand that apartment living is different and that you are going to here your neighbors a little and there is no point in being oversensitive, those are just the obligations that come with apartment living. But the noise coming out of his apartment was shaking our entire apartment... literally. It came to a point that i new exactly which episode of what show he was watching. We called several times to get courtesy officer to tell him to turn in down, that didn't go well the "officer" put me in a terrible position because the apartment told to wait outside for officer which happened to be the same time the neighbor was taking trash pout so he immediately knew who was complaining. This is not the safest area of town and i was honestly fearful. The harassment continued and all the apartment told me to do was keep a paper trail, and so i did. About a week ago someone started thrashing at our front door at 5 a.m. It was the neighbor claiming we were partying. We called the police before even answering the door. Three days later we received an eviction notice. How in the hell is this our fault????? I am absolutely not a person to go away placing blame and not taking any myself but honest to God WE ARE NOT AT FAULT!
Im furious beyond belief. We already signed a lease elsewhere but i am NOT letting this go! We feared for our lives that night and the neighbor is getting away with harassment! What do I do? Please any advice will help.
Im furious beyond belief. We already signed a lease elsewhere but i am NOT letting this go! We feared for our lives that night and the neighbor is getting away with harassment! What do I do? Please any advice will help.

There were many things you could have done during the 5 months all this was happening but you didn't and, since you are moving, it's too late now, so get over it.

For the future, I suggest you study the TX landlord tenant statutes and learn your rights:

There isn't much you can do now. You need to go ahead & move & get away from all this. Good luck.