Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Getting caught several months later?

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Are there cases in which you have previously shoplifted, weren't caught at the time, but walk in to the same store at least 3 months afterward (without stealing) and being arrested?

I want to call the store and make it right by paying them for the merchandise, but I'm positive they would call the police.

Someone I know also did this to almost all major retail stores we live around and we both want to make it right. She's afraid to go in to any store. She thinks she has to wait 2 years. We are never stealing again.
Legally no it does not. If they have evidence of the theft and ameans to ID they can file criminal charges. Chances of this are low unless this the was event where they had you, you ran and got away. Can they arrest you if you go back to store? Yes they can, again providing they kept whatever evidence they had against you
Would it be safe to try to call the store manager and deal with it? Or just hope not to be arrested? I really do not know what to do. I'm so scared.
Thats your call. At this point do you have any reason to believe they are aware of theft and know who you are?
OMG OMG! same thing here. (chills on hands) no joke. big trouble here. man! i know how you feel. i feel for you. ok. thanks
Well, I've heard that they post pictures or video footage of people who shoplift. I think they did it where I commited the act. Some time ago when I was naive about this whole thing, I went in a few days later and the store manager followed me everywhere and kept looking at me. Me and my friends did this thing a lot! So, I'm afraid they will ID us somehow.
All we can do is speculate. However if they saw you and did not arrest you it stands to reason they do not have enough evidence to prosecute
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