Fraudulent Realty Company

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New Member
My jurisdiction is: Tennessee/Alabama

I live in Alabama and have rental property in Tennessee. I have allowed a realty company to manage the property and have ran into some difficulties with them.

First off, work was done to the property and paid through the realty company. I have request receipts for the work done but the realty company has provide only some of the receipts, but not all. I've asked several times and they've sent me estimate paper work and ledger entries, but no actual receipts. I believe that I've been over charged, but have no receipts to prove this. The realty company have had several exchanges because of this.

After this, the tenant that had a years lease provided notice that they were moving. This is 6 months into the lease. The realty company indicated that the tenant had military orders and only required 30 day notice. I found out that the tenant is moving locally within the same city, and ask the realty company to provide documentation showing the move was for military orders. The realty company refuses to provide the documentation and indicate their reason is that it is confidential.

Also I received a 30 day notice from the realty company that they are terminating the agreement between us.

First can the realty company not provide me with documentation for the tenant's move? Can I do any thing about the missing receipts?:mad:
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