Former Apt-mate refuses to pay rent

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New Member
This is a question about a verbal agreement. Earlier in the year, I was looking for a rommmate for my apt. My friend had found me one and we briefly met and he agreed to live w/ me. We discussed payment and everything and he said he liked that idea and so he agreed to live w/ me and said he would sign the lease when he moved in. He was planning on moving in several months after me to take care of some of his own business. We tried to meet up once so that I could collect his part of the rent since he was not going to be there but we couldn't. I was living in the apartment for two month on my own and had paid the two months of rent for the both of us. He then notified that me he no longer planned on living in the apt. and also since he had not signed anything or moved in at all, he was not obligated to pay his part of the rent. The Landlord said he had no responsibility and said that I should take legal action. Is the verbal agreement binding in this case? He knew the price and I have witnesses that acknowledge that he had agreed to live w/ me. I am only trying to collect the two months of rent and not make him stay in the apt.
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