Sex Crimes, Sex Offenders Florida, Withold Adjudication, SexOffender list.

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In 1999 I was given a Withhold Adjuducation, 2 years probation, and offender classes. This was done because I went to the police when they called and told them the truth, not knowing why they were even interested...I was thinking; was the girl in a car crash? was she missing and maybe I was the last one to see her?....I told the truth because I didn't know the girl was under-age. She refused to testify because she told me she was 19. Anyway, I took the Withhold Adjudication and 2years probation.
I later found out it was a 60 months probation...
Then a few years later the sex-offender list was voted on...I was told I had to register...This is the scarrlet letter of our times. I am not against it as much as I feel I should not even be on it.
Two weeks ago I went to register at the police dept. as I have to. While in the office the detective told me that I did't get the updated codes on my drivers license. This is true, although the offender code does appear on my drivers license, a few months back they up-dated the codes so everyone had to get new ones...I have been out of work for 9months, in bed with Graves Disease, had to sell my car to pay the rent and eat.
I didn't drive and was bed bound for 9months. This was my first day out and I went to the police to sign in...Well I was arrested on a 3rd dagree felony, Not Registering on my drivers license.
? If I have a Withhold of Adjudication should I even be on the list? Should I have to register as an offender? The list came out well after I made my deal with the courts.
Today my lawyer said "To clear this up we might have to wave your Withhold of Adjudication in the past, then we might be able to work out a deal and throw this new case out" I just met this lawyer a few days ago....Not sure if he is looking out for me at all.....The day we met he said that I shouldn't even be on the offender list......I need HELP. I need the truth about the law.
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