first timer w/ child support ?'s

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New Member
Hello. Please lmk if I posted in the incorrect spot.

I had some ?'s regarding support in IL .

Should I worry about being in arrears if I'm not sure that I am? The mother insists that I didn't pay after i moved to AZ from '95-'99 but i don't see how that is possible since the court docs I have show an order against me that began as of 6/94 . Is there any way I can find out myself if I have missed a payment without a lawyer? I was working for a major corp at the time (best buy).

Also - if I wanted to "buy her out" of the support (I calculate that as of this time i'll owe her $3500 till the child turns 18 and i was gonna offer $4000 in a lump sum to her if she will forgive all past present and future debts) does this sound like a good idea and should i involve a lawyer? If I don't get a lawyer would it even be legal?

Lastly - I've been on disability for the past few months. How do i get her the support $ since it was automatically deducted from my check up to this point? (Workers comp & short term disability are still duking it out as to who is responsible so I haven't had any payments yet).

thank you for your time

Jim F
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