Arrest, Search, Seizure, Warrant Felony arrest warrant. Seeking options.

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New Member
Im seeking advice for a friends that has a felony warrant.

Short story is that he got 30 days work release, fines and community service. He only completed half of his work release and stop going.

He understands that he made a mistake in not completing what the judge setforth.

What are his options in staying out of prison? And what should he do.

Thanks in advance.


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His options are slim but the longer he remains a fugitive the worst things will likely get. He should seek out an Attorney and negoitate his surrender. Staying out of jail may not be an option but that depends onmnay things his Attorney is best to answer these questions
His options are slim but the longer he remains a fugitive the worst things will likely get. He should seek out an Attorney and negoitate his surrender. Staying out of jail may not be an option but that depends onmnay things his Attorney is best to answer these questions

Thanks that what I needed to know. I wanted to see if getting a lawyer to negoitate a surrender was an option.
Yes it is and his "best" option

Well right now he's trying to work and save up enough money to be able to afford a lawyer.

But he also wants to turn himself in but need the montary funds for legal representation.

What are his options now?

Thanks in advance.
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