Exchange room for work

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New Member
Hello - I have been "subletting" an apartment from a woman in exchange for me working for her. No money has changed hands. I am not on the lease nor does the landlady/manager of the apartments know that I am there (subleases are not allowed.) The work situation has become intolerable, workplace harassment i.e. wrongful accusation of stealing, lying, the list goes on and on. I gave a 2-week notice on July 9th but I do not want to work out the full two weeks because the maltreatment continues. I work alone in her home, I shop with her credit card, I drive her car, etc. The liability for me here is huge especially since her memory is "faulty" and, rather than accepting responsibility, all blame is placed on me.

I am working on getting an appointment with a private attorney through either Public Attorney's office or Legal Aid. In the interim, I would appreciate any thoughts.

My main question is if I state I am not going to work out the 2 weeks what are the things she could do in regards to my housing. I.E. charge me for rent, kick me out, etc. Any information on any of the above will be helpful.

Thank you.
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