Electrical company mishap

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New Member
My lights were turned off on 11-4-2008 due to a glitche in the system of my electric co....I have been told since then my lights would be turned on within 24-48 hrs......it is sunday 11-9-2008 and my electricity is still off.....i went to their office on friday 11-7-2008 and they asked me to fax all receipts due to this mishap.....me and my family( wife and 2 boys) have been highly inconvenienced due to this......I was unable to watch history on election night and have had to dip into my personal savings to cover expenses.....my wife and i have been physically upset because of this.....it's really to the point of physical and emotional stress......i'm not one for lawsuits.....i was going to look over this until today......everyday i go home to turn on the lights nothing comes on......this is ridiculous.....i now feel they need to compensate me and my family for damages!
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