Disclousre required for graves on property?

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New Member
We bought some acreage and have found graves, thereby making that part of the property unusable. I was under the impression that anything that impacted the property had to be disclosed when being sold. This was not and we would not have bought the property if we had known.

The owner knew and has stated he just elected not to tell us!!???????????

I realize disclosure may vary from diff states, but this would seem to be a no-brainer!!
knobmtndesigns said:
We bought some acreage and have found graves, thereby making that part of the property unusable. I was under the impression that anything that impacted the property had to be disclosed when being sold. This was not and we would not have bought the property if we had known.

The owner knew and has stated he just elected not to tell us!!???????????

I realize disclosure may vary from diff states, but this would seem to be a no-brainer!!

This is why you are supposed to do a full inspection of the property prior to ownership. Usually a good attorney will have worked with various people and companies who are good with information. I work with an experienced title company and they have been invaluable in assisting me with information about all the bizarre anomalies that I have seen regarding the sales of homes in certain parts of town. I'm deeply sorry to hear about what has happened to your purchase. Can the cemetary or graves be relocated? Was this deliberately concealed from you to prevent you from discovering the graves? What state are you loated in?
I am sorry to be so long in responding - surgery & flu have taken their toll!!

We are in NC and if you or an associate would like to make contact for any referral, please feel free to email me. Yes, it was "covered" over, as these are old and are not the chiseled headstones that are used today.
Property with graves

I have received some property in Fla that also has graves on it. The property has been in my family for close to 100 years and it is adjacent to a cemetary. The cemetary folks were unaware of the propery lines and "accidentally" buried some people on my property. All of this occured 50+ years ago and there is no sign of anyone visiting the graves in question. There are only a few graves, but they spaced them in such a fashion as to use about 3 acres of land. Is there anything I can do? I legally own this land and I had planned to build on it. Can you build a house and have graves in your yard? Actually I would not do this, but it does beg the question. Do old graves ever expire or is it once a grave always a grave? Any help is appreciated.
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