Dealership Damages New Car

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New Member
The dealership damaged my brand new car (2010) during a courtesy checkup. They promised to fix the car, and they did take out the dents, buff the scratches and repaint the roof. They replaced the roof antenna that was stripped. The car does not look like it did before the damage and I don't want it any more. I put 800 miles on it in the three months I drove it prior to the incident. The dealership is offering a price for the car that is $4,129.00 less than I paid for it and $714.00 less than the amount owed on it. Any ideas?
If you are not satisfied with their repair, take the car to a few different shops and get a quote from each. Return to the dealer and see if you can get them to redo the repair, and inform them that if they refuse you will have the repair done elsewhere and sue them for the amount you were quoted.
They don't have to buy the car back from you- but they do need to return the car to the condition it was in before they damaged it.
You can also call your insurance company for some help. You may have to pay a deductible if you take the car in to another shop for repair, but the insurance may pick up the rest... and the insurance company may also be able to motivate the dealer to do a better job to avoid a mess.
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