Corporate Law Dance studio closed. (LLC) Do I have recourse?

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A local dance studio (an LLC) closed a few weeks back in January 09 with no notice. A letter on the door stated she will refund all spring tuition and costume fees. No one has heard anything and she has gone into hiding. I recently discovered that she filed a Consumer Chapter 7 bankruptcy for herself with no assets recorded back in November 08.

Do I have a recourse with this woman? She closed the business days after collecting thousands for spring tuition and costume deposits. She got me for two grand! Because she listed the business as an LLC, can I file a claim as post petition creditor on her personal bankruptcy? Or am I stuck sueing her in small claims?

Thanks :eek:
Let's start with the most important question: Does she have any money?
I just found out that she has a condo that was thought to have been sold. However she is living in it. We think she took the tuition monies to stave off forclosure on it. However, she has enough money to make her car payments, enjoy a gym membership, shop at the health food store and party at the local resort. She has some money, but is probably putting it in her mattress. Sorry about the long answer, but she hurt alot of kids by closing her studio.
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