Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor

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New Member
I had a party to celebrate the end of classes the other day where a keg was provided. I am of age and most of the people at the party were also of age, but there were some under the age of 21 drinking at the party. The police were called due to a noise complaint. Without my permission they walked in the back fence (privacy fence) and started grabbing individuals. When it was all said and done I got charged with 18 counts of contributing. They asked if i had bought the alcohol (i hadn't) I stated that I had not and I had only let the person who bought the keg use my keg shell so to avoid paying a deposit on it. What am I looking at? should I try and attain a lawyer, I have very little money to do so.
You don't have much of a defense. You brought it up... so I will just let you know that under the circumstances, there is nothing wrong with the police coming into the yard as they did.
If it was your property then you will be held responsible for what was happening there, regardless of who bought the beer... kind of like being the driver of a car.
You should expect to pay fines and maybe do some community service.
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