Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Concerned aunt

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Virginia .... Hi everyone my nephew just turned 15 he got caught shoplifiting tonight allegedly he had stolen over 400.00 worth of clothing .. he's never been in any trouble this is his first offense .. he was told to do community service by the police officer , the officer said that he may have to go to juve hall which is the last thing we want he does not have to go to court until feb .. and we cannot afford a lawyer .. he is a good kid his mom just got thrown in jail so it has taken alot out on him .. and now he is nervous and scared hes never even been in a fight ... please .. please i need to know what he may be facing and what we can do to prevent him from going to juve .. ThanksWhat is the name of your state (only U.S. law)?
I know you said he cannot afford a lawyer but he needs one as hes facing felony charges. I think the Officer was telling him to do community service now so to help show Judge remorse I agree. In fact I will go one further I suggest he enroll in an Anti Shoplifting course like one offered by NASP. In mean time start calling Lawyers. Many offer free consultations get as many as you can. We have a poster here "normanjr" who is familar with VA law and might have more detailed answers. Your nephew should not discuss this anymore with Police, DA or anyone unti he has spoken to a lawyer. Keep in mind any Attorney does not have to discuss anythng with you just him. Are you his legal guardian while Mom is in jail? Where is Dad?
Im not is legal guardian his sister is with him right now .. she is 20 . his dad is dead thank you so much I will greatly take the advice
Ok do not let him, his sister or anyone take this lightly its very serious! A felony conviction could ruin any career plans he might have. Start calling Lawyers
I surley wont he's doing so good in school i just dont under stand .. I have started calling lawyers but I prob wont hear anything until monday plus I have friends in law enforcement who has been giving me some good advice and what to expect my friend does loss prevention for a living . I thank you so much I will keep ya posted
We have both Lp and Police on this site and I repsect their views but neither are Lawyers and both only see one side of this issue in their work. Browse the site I gave you(NASP) there is much info there you will find very educational I am sure
Monday is a holiday so you will probably hear something in the middle of the week. Keep on top of contacting the lawyers as it is their job to navigate the court system and get their clients the best possible outcome on their criminal case.

As a juvenile they will go hard on him but most likely no jail time. He will likely have fines, civil demand, community service etc.
Oh god that's right I forgot all about the holiday haven't had much sleep . I will stay on top of it as much as I can and thank you for the advice he needs to learn from this I'm sure after this he will .
You could also direct both to this site as well. If they have questions they can ask here. As you are painfully aware people can be very rude on other sites
thank you so much I will try as hard as I can .. I was also concerned about the courts because my niece is handeling everything right now because my sister just got locked up will that be a problem?
i will post in the testimonial .. this has been a learning experience for me this site is so much better than that free legal advice site I had one person that was so nasty and rude , when I nicely put her in her place she told me that she dosent care if my nephew rots in juve until he is 21 ..And she work with children her name is (removed by Admin) .. so watch out for her lol
We are sadly aware there are many rude persons on other sites. That is why we created this one. We believe that people make mistakes and it doesnt make them a bad person. We are here to help. In an effort to be fair to all (even those who arent nice) I have removed the name of the poster who upset you on other site
I apologize for have mentioned that person its a shame that people like that are representing our children in a court of law . And if she doesn't t have a true passion to help these kids then she needs to find another profession. Thank you so much I'm just trying to give my niece as much info so she doesn't have to stress to much she has enough to deal with
Don't apologize this site is here to help. If you notice they go out of their way to protect you. This includes forbidden not only names but store names! I can tell you its not hard to ID someone from any internet post.
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