Complaint against Senior Probation Official

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New Member
My jurisdiction is: PA, USA

I want to file a complaint against the head of a County Probation Dept for what may be verbal assault (unprovoked) , may be unethical behavior, but most certainly was very unprofessional behavior revealing his very strong personal opinions and bias against the "offender" (my SO) in this case. This man oversaw the preparation of, and presented recommendations to the Court for sentencing, and I believe could not possibly be impartial based on the incident that occurred with me.

I cannot figure where to go to file a complaint. I have spent many hours online trying to find out where to go with this. I understand from research online that Probation Officers are considered "judicial employees" in PA (PA Supreme Court decision), but I cannot find any organization, board, etc responsible for disciplining these types. Can anyone direct me? Please reply ONLY if you know how things operate in Pennsylvania. (Too many wild goose chases already.) Thanks....
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