collection on credit card debt

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A CA has an account of mine from MBNA. The amount is $8965. They said I could pay $5379 all at once. I do not have that. They told me that I could not file bankruptcy and I could not go with a debt settlement company. They said if I did not pay the $5379 that they would serve papers on me. If they try to get a judgement, What can they do? My house is in my husband's name. I am on the deed, but the loan is in his name. This debt is only in my name. I offered them $100 a month, but they said no. Can they take a lien on my porperty? Can they levy my bank account? (which only has $70 in it). I know in NC they cannot garnish wages, but what about bank accounts, can the freeze them? I am considering talking to a bankruptcy lawyer. Should I send them a validation letter? I know I have 30 days and that is not up yet. I talked to a debt settlement company and they said they could help me. It is Debt Options, have you heard of them? I don't know what company is legitimate. They have a satisfactory record with the BBB. I have heard that it usually is years before they will file suit. Is this true? Please advise what would be the best thing to do.
Stay away from those debt settlement scams.
that still does not answer my questions. FDCPA. How does that help if they are threatening to sue and they do? All I want to know is, Should I send a validation letter or go ahead and consider filing bankruptcy????
Q: Should I send a validation letter or go ahead and consider filing bankruptcy?

A: Yes and yes.
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