Collection Agency Refuses Validation

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New Member
I have just recently received a bill from a Credit Collection agency. Upon calling, they claim the bill is for unpaid services for a pediatrician and for a bounced check. They refuse to send me a copy of the statement or the bounced check for validation and comparison.

The physicians office while they claim the billing is now out of their hands (apparently it was sold to the collection agency), did send me a statement which only shows two service dates, clearly shows copays were made, clearly shows insurance company made restitution plus the insurance adjustment. The total is negative -160. However they've crossed that out and applied by handwriting the digits 820.00. Meanwhile the dates of service on this statement are from June 2000 in opposition to the Collection Agency claiming dates of service from June 2001.

I told them I refused to pay until they prove I owe and stop calling me at home because I have a hearing disability and everything must be in writing. Their agent said fine, do what you want. We can see you don't want to cooperate. I said no, I know my rights. You refuse to cooperate with me. I intend to hire a lawyer. Can I beat this?
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