Code Of Conduct

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New Member
If a school or district has not required a student to sign OR consent to follow the schools updated Code Of Conduct, is the student legally bound to follow the guidelines set in the Code Of Conduct?
But if the school has an outdated, but signed, version of the Code Of Conduct (from a previous school year) on file, does the student have to follow those guidlines as well? Given that they have not signed the updated version.
A student's signature on such a document means zilch. All students are expected to follow all the rules at all times. There is no need for the school to have a document signed. That is just a formality they opt to follow.
What mightymoose said. The school or school system sets the rules. The students don't have to "agree" with those rules, just abide by them. The signature means nothing legally. It is not a contract as children can not enter into contracts. The kid can not just refuse/fail to sign then behave however they want.
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