Civil Rights Violated?

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New Member
me & 2 friends entered a BP where there were several cops, one who had previously charged me with DUI which was dropped to Physical control (I paid all my fines and went thru the proceedings). Anyway, this cop he starts badgering me and when he did not get a response from me he started interogating my friends and then he proceeded to tell them all about my arrest and the humiliating circumstances, which neithr of them had previous knowledge of...since then this information has cirrculated and now I am fearful to leave my house for fear of running into him, again & my social environment being compromised, feeling humiliated by what has been told. I am wondering under the color code of law and based on Civil law, especially the universal declaration of human rights in regard to privacy and freedom of movement would I have a civil suit against said officer? Or would this just cause me more trouble?
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