Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Civil recovery. Did the store obtain my personal information

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I was caught shop lifting at (store name removed). the police was not called, i didn't give anyone my information and i did not sing anything. a week later i got a civil recovery letter. the attorney wouldn't tell me how they got my personal information but it would have had to have been from my EBT (food stamp card) that i used in their store to get my name and ether using that or their records of my medication to get my address. did they have the right get my information this way or was my privacy violated? will this effect the out come of the case if it goes to court?
What will happen if i cant pay the court order? will i go to jail?
Re: Civil recovery. Did the store obtain my personal informa

The store name was removed for your protection.

The action taken or assumed was legal. Unless you somehow provoke them to file a criminal complaint (like not paying civil demand) there should be no court or record other than in store and any retail theft database they might subscribe to
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