Cell Phone

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New Member
I recently obtained a phone. Paid an amount for it and got it damaged somehow. At the time I did not know what was wrong with it. So I went to my service provider and they said that I had a faulty battery and got a replacement battery. The battery was not the issue so we sent it in and the company gave me a new pre-owned phone. We sent in the old phone. Then the service provider said we have to pay the full price for the broken phone because it had water damage. Which I did not know it had happened. What I am asking is, does the service provider able to charge me the full price for the phone when I was unaware of the real damage and they gave me the wrong fix?
You have not provided details of how you came into possession of the phone. There are warranty terms associated with all electronics. You can certainly request a credit for the cost of the battery or sue them for its cost in small claims court if an arbitration clause is not present.
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