Personal Bankruptcy Car Trouble - To surrender or not

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New Member
I have filed a Pro-Se Chapter 13 case and my first Confirmation hearing is in July 2008. In order to decrease my monthly payment, I have chosen to surrender my current vehicle (not my house) and purchase a new one with a lower monthly payment. I have received a preliminary ok to do so from the court, but from what I understand, I have to wait for the judge to sign the form, which may not be until my Confirmation hearing, before the car sales place will let me purchase. In the meantime, I guess I should keep up my payments on my current vehicle as this is the only means of transportation I have and I do not want them finding out I am surrendering it later. Before this all happens, I want to know for sure that when I put the surrender of my car in my Plan document, I will owe nothing further on that loan. That is what the attorney I consulted with said, but all of this is so stressful without a lawyer. Any help I can get with this question or anything else would be greatly appreciated.
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