Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication Canadian in US with MIP

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I'm in the US in Washington on a scholarship at University. I received an MIP on the weekend, and am so angry. I was dropping off a friend at a party and was asked to hold a beer for a second while he went in to check out the party. (I had to stay there just in case I need to drive them back). I was in the process of putting the beer down because I don't want to hold onto it when the cops drove up in an unmarked car! I was told that I was receiving an MIP and since we don't really have things like this in Canada I am sort of confused. I blew a 0.004 because I told the officers I had taken a sip because someone wanted me to try American beer. They seemed apologetic that they had to give me an MIP it was just because it is a zero tolerance night. :mad: I have a court date in a couple days, and I have no idea what to plead or how to go about this, am I going to have problems getting into the states again if I go home? I don't know how this affects my record or anything. I just wish I hadn't have been nice and driven them to the party! Please help me, I don't want to jepordize my future.
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