Can payday loan company bring you up on criminal charges??

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Back in 2006, I took out a payday loan with an online company for $500.00. I was also pregnant at this time and the next week was ordered by the doctor to stop working and go on bed rest. So, I received one last check which I used to pay what I needed, being that I would be on unpaid Maternity leave for at least 3 months.

January of this year, I get a message through my mother that someone contacted her and are bringing charges against me for fraud. I call the number back and its an outsourcing law firm on behalf of the payday loan company. I spoke with Mr. Kelly who I told my situation and he set up a payment plan with me for $20 per month and I gave the first $20 payment then. I also gave him my bank account info to take it out every month. I wasn't aware that they hadn't been taking it and I never heard from them again until this past week.

I am now being told that they will not accept $20/month and that the bill is now over $850.00. That I must pay all of this in one or two payments and those are my only options. They tell me that the next step is that I will receive a summons to appear in court on charges of knowingly defrauding a contract and some other very serious sounding crimes. I did not intentionally not pay them back and have tried to make arrangements with them for what I can afford. I have asked for copies of the contract only to be hung up on numerous times and told not to contact them unless I have my own attorney or my check book in hand to pay them. They have threatened to garnish my wages and a letter was sent to verify my employment to my job. My supervisor gave it to me and we did not reply. I cannot afford to pay the whole amount or even half right now. I am in over my head in just bills that I need for me and my children. Can they really garnish my wages and sue me for this with criminal charges? What can I do? Please help!
It is difficult to answer your questions as there are obviously many important facts you haven't told us. Why would anyone suspect you of criminal fraud? Additionally, something doesn't add up about your needing to pay a law firm. Were you late with payments?
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