Can a school retailate by filing a Child Protective Case

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On Monday February the 6th I filled a Civil Rights compliant with the Office of civil rights (Via the Internet) and then called the Texas office (The State I reside in) and was told that I should email the principal of the school letting her know that I have filed the case. I emailed the Principal a copy of the email complaint on the same day without adding any specifics.

On Friday the 10th of February my wife and I had a visit from a Child Protective Investigator stating I had allegations of Child Abuse filled on me (Not My Wife but Me).

The investigator went over the allegations with me and to my surprise my wife and I knew it had come from the school.

Right now I am sitting with a safety plan from Child Protective Services stating that I can reside in my home; however I cannot be around my children by myself because of a positive drug test that they did in my home today. (I am under pain management and am taking prescribed medicine however this must be verified by doing a more extensive research 'Calling Doctors' and doing a more sensitive drug screen at the lab (Which could take up too two weeks).

This is so sad and horrible that a district would do this to my family and me. Within the allegations the C.P.S worker stated the school was concerned because my wife had feel down our stairs and they had not seen her; the school had talked to her on numerous occasions and also had come to pick up our child twice since I had told the school of the incident (So they knew she was Ok) I also have many recordings of the school talking to my wife on the phone since so they knew she was ok and had ample opportunity to ask but never did.

The school also alleged that I was stalking my child at school I went to the school once a week maybe twice (If That) to make sure she was OK and also to make sure she was being treated fairly (Obviously my suspicions were right when her own homeroom teacher called me concerned because of the way the principal was treating my child as well as the teacher).

Also there was an allegation that my child lived with fear while at the school because I told her was sitting in the office all day; when my child was asked if she had ever thought that I was just sitting in the office by the C.P.S worker she said "No Way" and said that was a bold face lie!!! My child cried for much of this last weekend because she could not understand why the school would have lied on me as she too also knew that the allegations were bold face lies.

At one time my 4 year old was attending Pre-K at the school and every time we would go to drop her off she would ask us to stay in the office and wait on her; we would tell her we were going to stay; my wife or I would go in the office and act like we were staying while the teachers occupied her then the office secretary would sneak us the side door so she would not cry and throw a fit because she did not want us to leave her. What the school did was turned this around and stated that I was doing this to my 10 year old (Which was a bold face lie).

The school also stated in the report that I had installed Cameras and a security system in my home in which I had just had installed it not even three weeks ago and the system they offered automatically included cameras (In the past two years I and my family had fell victim of a home invasion) so we thought this would keep us safer (Not be used as a weapon against us). (I can validate the home invasion if needed by a police report that is on file)

They also alleged seeing needles marks on my arm the school knew I was going to have a stress test done (On My Heart) which can be validated through the local Hospital as a matter fact that afternoon at the school we talked about how I would recommend getting the chemical stress test rather than the old traditional stress test.

They also included within the allegations that I would not allow the principal to be around my child this was requested because my child had come home on numerous occasions stating to my wife and I that she felt the principal treated her as well as the other children like her ('Black') in a different and mean way and then when I had the conversation with the teacher he too said that he filled a complaint with the teachers union on grounds of color discrimination (Which would be on file for record) (This conversation is also recorded).
They do not view it as retaliation. They want to make sure they are fulfilling their legal reporting requirements as educators. You started a pissing contest. Now you get to see who has the biggest "Johnson". BTW, they have very deep pockets for lawyers.
I'll be brutally honest here - while any single one of those incidents might be completely meaningless, when you read it all together?

I can see why the school acted.

There are, admittedly, perhaps some questionable parenting decisions going on. Abusive or neglectful? I doubt it. And I doubt child services will find anything.

But OP should be prepared for extra attention for a long, long time to come. Unfortunately.
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