Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication Can a case or judgement be transferred to another state?

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I have a very close friend who was charged with possession of a small quantity of meth in California more than 10 years ago. As far as I know, the charge is a misdemeanor. To make matters worse, said individual failed to appear in court to be sentenced. A warrant was issued for their arrest. The individual then moved to the other side of the country, has a currently large family, and has left that life in the past. The warrant for their arrest is still active. My question is, since they live on the other side of the country, can the case be transferred, and can they appear in court on the East Coast? What is the likelihood of receiving some kind of probation, since it's been so many years? Is there a statue of limitations on such an offense? What advice can you give me to help this person resolve the issue?:confused:
No, the law isn't going to make it convenient for your "friend." He committed a crime, skipped out on bail, and left the jurisdiction. Now it is admirable that he no longer is in that life and has a family, but sooner or later it will be time to face the music.

I would imagine the court will go lightly on this person if they wish to just fess up and get it over with. I personally would get an attorney there to inquire about the charges and what it would take to dispose of them. That should be relatively cheap and require only a visit to the jurisdiction. I don't see jail time or really even much if any probation if it has been some time with good history since.

I encourage your "friend" to take care of this matter and move on with his life. It won't go away, it's better if it's over. Good luck.
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