Breaking a Lease Breaking a lease

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I have a year lease with the owner of the house, but im trying to break my lease 3 months prior to my lease ending. I have give a 60 day notice.
Heres the thing i am following the guidelines under the termination Clause in which it states i have to give a 60 day notice to terminate. It doesnt state anything of having an early termination fee or being responsible for any months remaining in our lease, but in the second paragraph of my lease it has a term section which states if we break the lease we are responsible for the months left in our lease. We talked to our landlord and she trying to find someone to rent but is saying if she dont find anyone to rent we will be held liable for the months its unoccupied. . Any suggestions i belive what we both need to follow is the clause for termination, which bas been the case for my previous leases with other landlords
You have to follow all the "rules" of the lease. Your landlord may prevail as per the lease.
The simple answer is this:

1. You would owe rent until a suitable tenant is found to replace you


2. Your lease ends

How about offering to help your landlord find a suitable replacement for yourself?

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