Breach of Contract?

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Hello, i purchased a Ram 3500 Truck about a month ago, Feb 13th. i paid for a Life Time Warranty Through chrysler , it is stated on the additional documentation and on the contract to buy it self, i already have the truck i put $5000 down. I found out about a month later that they changed my warranty from the lifetime to a 7year/100,000 Mile one. The reason i bought this truck was for this reason( was going to buy a ford but went with Ram for this reason that pushed the deal over the top to make pruchase), both the sales person and the finance department informed me of this. I have all the documentation stating what i signed.

I have contacted Chrysler Service contract and they said they cant do anything i have to handle it with the dealer.

Do i even have a case?

Do i have a case to demand to return my car or ask for additonal compesnation not just the difference in warranty since this is the reason i bought the truck from RAM and not ford was for the warranty i was sold on?
Unfortunately this is a very late post. I was reviewing legal questions without answers and came upon yours! The answer to your question is found in your automobile purchase agreements for the truck. What we don't know is how anyone could change the terms of the deal after signing the contract. Chrysler seems to say that you paid the dealer who is the contracting party for the terms of the deal. Best is to first approach the dealer and discuss how you can deal with the failure to deliver what was stated in the contract. If you cannot agree, then the next step would be to sue in court for breach of contract. You would probably not have to return the truck as the question of whether the nature of the deal is frustrated here isn't the case. The vehicle itself is fine - it's just the automotive warranty length that is in issue. You would sue for the difference in value between the 7 year / 100,000 mile auto warranty. What you can do is ask Chrysler what it would cost to purchase a lifetime warranty on the truck. That is the value you paid for in the contract to purchase an automobile but did not receive.

I hope it worked out for you. The Ram 3500 truck is a nice one! :)
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