Beneficiary to the house?

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New Member
Hello all, I am hoping to get some advice here. My mother passed away, and I am her beneficiary to the house, which is stated on the contract. Problem is my father lost all of her paperwork!:mad: Is there a way to get another copy of the contract? It's not paid off yet, my dad and myself are still making payments. How can I get the house into my name without getting evicted or having the mortgage company take it away? This home is all we have left of her and I really don't want to lose it. Please help!
Hello all, I am hoping to get some advice here. My mother passed away, and I am her beneficiary to the house, which is stated on the contract.

What contract?

Problem is my father lost all of her paperwork!

What paperwork?

Is there a way to get another copy of the contract?

What contract?

It's not paid off yet, my dad and myself are still making payments.

Who are you making payments to?

How can I get the house into my name without getting evicted or having the mortgage company take it away?

You can pay off the mortgage.

In real estate, if it's not in writing, it doesn't exist. If it is in writing but it's not recorded in the land deed records where the land is, then you will have a hard time proving it exists.

So explain what you are talking about.
When my mom bought the house from it's previous owner she signed some paper or something and put me as her beneficiary on it. I pay the morgage company, but my dad lost the paperwork on the house. What do I need to send to the mortgage company in order to prove I'm her beneficiary? They still think my mom is alive. Can they(government or mortgage company) evict us even though were still making payments on the house?
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