Annoying Neighbors of my Elderly Parents

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New Member
I live in a condo and my parents, age 82 and 83 live next door. Dad has spent most of this year in and out of the hospital and is only recently able to make short trips but he cannot drive. All of us that are involved are owners. We are in Charlotte, NC.

About a year ago I had a severe falling out with the crazy couple upstairs. We've been neighbors for 14 years and had been on speaking terms until that time. Since I've taken no action regarding their annoyances they've now turned to annoying my parents.

At the beginning of the year the woman parked her car so close to their car that my Dad couldn't drive to the doctor's office so I had the office install a handicapped parking space next to his designated space. This infuriated her and she now parks her car on the line of the space rendering it useless but at least they can get into their car. Back in July Dad had an emergency and the doctor told him to go to the hospital immediately. We wanted to take my car since it's bigger than theirs and more comfortable. She happened to be out there so I told her Dad had an emergency situation and would she please move her car since I wanted to shorten his walking distance. She refused. I told her h_ll was too good for her and that was the end of our speaking terms. They are dead to me now.

Yesterday my folks were putting away groceries and noticed that the guy had parked perpendicular behind their car leaving no way for them to move. There were 20 -25 other spaces available since most folks were at work. Calling the police or a tow truck isn't feasable as they do this kind of thing then move before either can get here. I wasn't home so I couldn't get a picture. They fear retribution and have asked me not to 'stir things up' but I want to start a paper trail. I do not have power of attorney but would like to sue the idiots in small claims on their behalf for interfering with their peaceful enjoyment of their property, harassment, intentional infliction of emotional stress and intimidation. Mom won't even go out to get the mail or take out the trash if they are outside. Do I have to have a PoA?

I'm a non-violent person but I'm having constant thoughts of doing serious damage to their car(s) since the cars are their pride and joy. I wouldn't do anything on this property naturally. I'm so fed up with them I just don't know what to do. Help?
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