Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication Alcohol IS a drug!

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New Member
Why is this called "Alcohol & Drugs" when Alcohol IS a drug?

Alcohol is the #2 killing drug in the world. It breaks up families. It makes people violent and out of control. In many cases, people become dependent on this drug.

Cigarettes are the number one killer. How can cigarettes not even be classed as a drug when they are obviously the most dangerous drug there is?

Both the drugs above are legal.

When you start to realise that both these consumables have a massive 450% TAX placed on them, you realise how they are so easily available.

"If it is legal, it must be safe, if it is illegal, it must be dangerous"

This is nonsense because the Government practically endorses these two drugs by letting shops sell them so easily to people.

When smoking was fashionable and people thought it was harmless, good for you even, back then the masses of people thought these things but not the people behind the manufacturing of cigarettes, these people and the people at the top in Governments and so forth actually knew this all along but hey, you have to control the population somehow. I guess this is how they do it.

Because if they were not doing this to us, cannabis would surely be legal, I mean, it would have to be, under the current circumstances of the top two killing drugs in the world being legal.

Cannabis, in its entire history of thousands of years, has had no fatalities. People who have smoked cannabis are typically non-violent and relaxed. Alcohol makes people violent, they WANT violence on our streets or else we dont need 'them' to swoop in and protect us/make out we are the evil ones, not 'them'. Yes I mean the Government again - or the people running it, bankers and oil tycoons.

Anyone here thinking the law is right (in its assertion of whether drugs should be legal) is a million miles away, exactly where the Goverment wants you.

Wake up, see what drugs do to you, have your own opinions on safety. If not one single death has occured due to cannabis and possibly millions have occured from lung disease and liver failure due to the worlds top two killing drugs then I am sorry but you are a total SLAVE to the satanic agenda that rules us and does these things via the secret societies.

Wake up FFS before its too late and you end up in Guantanamo Bay, probably with a smile on your face thinking you are free knowing how ASLEEP most people are. If I sound patronizing then good, this is my intention, I know I am hitting nerves then and people only have to double check anything I say on these sites...

Chill dudes!
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