Accident with police car

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New Member
My jurisdiction is: North Carolina

I am new to the group and just wanted to throw this out there.

I was coming home from work at about 11:00 at night. As I entered through an intersection, I noticed a police car responding to a call zipping through the same intersection. I hit my brakes and tried to swerve out of his way, but I ended up hitting him. After the wreck, the officer admitted it was his fault for failing to yield the right away, and it even says this on the police report. In the mean time, I have a severely hurt back and knee, and I haven't heard the first thing from the city. (The city insures the emergency vehicles.) Tons of lawyers have contacted me since the police report came out, but they tend to back off when they find out I actually hit him. Where should I go from here?
The report definitely says it's his fault? Have you seen a doctor or had any medical care since the accident? How long ago was the accident? Just beware, I'm not sure what the statute of limitations is for North Carolina (you may want to look it up) but, in most states you have 6 months to file a Government claim. If it's been more than 6 months, or getting close to it, file one yourself with the City, you don't need a lawyer to do this, you can do it yourself just to make sure it's done. Did you have your own car insurance?
Yes, the police report says under the police officer, "Driver Contributing Circumstances 1 - 19- Failure to yield right of way." The accident was 10/20/08, this past Monday night. I just find it odd that I haven't heard any thing from the police or city. My insurance is taking care of it with them saying they will be reimbursed by the driver at fault (cop).
The city usually takes a LONG time to contact anyone. File the claim, even if you don't get a lawyer, at least it will be done.
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