74 in a 55 in NC

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New Member
I received a speeding ticket over the weekend in Charlotte, just as I crossed the SC/NC border (where the speed limit drops). I was in a line of cars all going the same speed, and was lucky enough to be plucked out. The trooper gave me a ticket which requires a mandatory court appearance since I was going at least 15 miles over the speed limit.

My question is... how likely is it that the DA will over a reduction? I have done some research on fighting a ticket in court using the evidence of non-calibrated radar guns, but the last thing I want to do is go in there and piss off the DA or judge. Should I just pleas guilty and hope for a reduction?

Would a Prayer for Judgement be wise is I don't receive a reduction?

Also, does anyone know if the court date on my ticket is my actual court date, or will I be assigned another court date when I arrive? Not sure how NC courts work. I live a good three hours from Charlotte and I am dreading having to go back and forth.

Thanks in advance.
Go in and talk to the ADA and see if you can use your PFJ on this ticket. It is questionable since your are 15+ which is an automatic license suspension. If you can't work a deal, hire an attorney.
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