7-day eviction??!

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New Member
My husband and I worked as a resident apartment manager team for about 18 months. Prior to that we actually were paying tenants in the same building for about 3 years. On 1/21/08, without any prior warning, we received a notice of termination of apartment manager stating that we have 7 days to vacate. In California, a regular tenant has the right to a 30-day notice, and tenants that have been there a year or more have a 60-day notice.

Although we were managers in exchange for free rent, and we also signed a 'contract' when we decided to take this thankless job stating that in the event of our termination we would be given only 7 days to vacate. Guess we didn't read that part, we were so happy about the no rent part. All we want is to be given the same type of notice as a regular tenant and be given 30 days to vacate.
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