Corporate Law 49% shareholder

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New Member
My jurisdiction is: UK

My Husband and I run a business together, we have 1 other employee, he has 51% of shares, and i have the other 49%. We are currently going through divorce, my role in company is to take calls, book appointments, and manage accounts, he has taken the phone off me and anything related to the paying in side of the business. He is now also seeking to take company mobile from me, (his daughter from another marriage has one, and our 2 sons have them also, all paid by company)he has told me he is going to issue me with a formal written warning because, the computer has been used for personal use, (he has laptop which he also uses for personal use) accounts are not available to him (although he has already seen them) and they are not up to date, (he has failed to supply paperwork to enable me to do this), I have no idea if he is allowed to behave like this, I am cosignatory on the business bank account, can he remove me from this? I would love to be able to afford a solicitor, but my husband will not contribute to family finances in any way, Does he have any right to with-hold my directors salary, if he decides to?? the company is run from the family home and he moved out in March.Any help would be appreciated,thank-you in advance.
I'd speak to a solicitor as soon as possible. Someone need to review the documents you have and also get more information as to your rights. As a 49% owner, in general, you're not in a good place. The UK might have minority shareholders' rights laws (in addition to the usual employment laws) that may help you. There are several very good solicitors we work with on a budget and you can contact us via support if you'd like.
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