40over, +2 passing violations

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New Member
i was driving home on a ski resort highway, tryin to get back for work.

i was passing 2 cars at 90mph in a 50mph zone, and ended my pass at the very beginning of the solid line, i was radared by the sheriff as i ended my pass.

when he pulled me over he asked me some questions about being high, made me take off my shades to examine my eyes and went back to his car to take some information down.

then he came back with a ticket to sign and said i had committed two passing violations: passing vehicles that are going the speed limit, and passing on a solid line. he also told me i was clocked at 40mph over the speed limit.

to my very very very large relief, he said 'im only going to write you up for 29 over today.'

my friend was arrested for 80 in a 50 a year ago, wtf happened here. i realize i was cut a large break but i dont even understand why, and what woul dhave happened if i was written up for all of my full violations?
Are you the same person who was worried about getting an MIP recently because you were passed out drunk in your driver's seat? Are you trying to get your license revoked ?

Were you in your home state? If so I'll see what I can find for you.
More info

I just noticed you got the ticket within two days of posting about the MIP. I hope things will go OK for you with the MIP. The speeding ticket isn't a good thing as it will be in your driving record. Might complicate your MIP defense. What did your lawyer say about that?

For future reference:


Err you should read the Habitual Offenders Act:


can't find the penalties for speeding right now. I suspect 90 in a 50 zone would probably get your either a huge fine or get your license revoked.

Speed Limits:

Def of Reckless Driving:
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