30 days notice and Security Depoist

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New Member
I recently game my Landlord a 30 Day notice, which was dated for the 6th of September. On the notice, which I attached for Clarification, I added some extra wording that I found in some another notice online. Whether it pertains to NM or not, I dont think that will matter.

But, when she came over for the initial inspection, We asked if we could leave now and get some money for the remainder of the month back. i.e. 2 weeks almost. She of course said no, so then we asked if we could leave without having to pay the 6 days rent on the next month...she said no.

On the initial inspection, she pointed out that we could still clean the oven more and wipe out the cabinets and then we would get our full deposit back.

We all agreed on that, so we gave back 2 out of 3 keys back and We intended to come back at a later day to clean out rest of kitchen.

It is now the 1st of October, and I was told that people were moving into the apartment already, so then here come the questions:

1: do we still need to pay for the 6 days rent in October
2: because technically the apartment is still our and other people are moving in and we did not clean the oven, what about the deposit
3: Can you provide any other information on this situation that might help in the event that we do not get our full or a deposit back at all.

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