2nd Judgement by same company

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New Member
I received a judgement on a credit card about 5 yrs ago. At the time I had a home which resulted in a lien being placed on it. Well, I recently foreclosed on the home. I have just received civil papers from the same lawyers on the same credit card. Since I no longer have the property, they are trying to force me to pay them. I own no property worth being taken. And have no retirement accounts or money market accounts. My credit report shows the previous judgement and my concern is them taking out a second judgement on me. Isn't that like double jeopardy without the murder? Can I be taken to court twice for the same thing? It is already on my credit report. Please give advice!!!
I'm going to suggest the second suit is for the INTEREST accrued since the first judgement.

Depending on your other debts, you may find a consultation/discussion with a bankruptcy attorney is in order once the foreclosure is complete as they may well be a deficiency amount you owe if the home is sold for less money than is owed on your debt.
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