Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft 15 years old, caught with $216 of items, first offense

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Hello, this is a 15 year old, Oregon male speaking.
A few days ago, I was caught shoplifting for the first time at a Store name. I was with my friend of the same age, but since I was carrying the bag, they let her go and I got all the blame, even though almost all of it was for her.
But anyways, I was taken to a room where someone, I think he was a secret shopper, emptied my bag and counted up how much it was all worth. $216. He then said I either have to call a parent and have them pick me up or else he'd take me to juvi right away. He also said since it was so much stuff, he would call the police. A cop quickly showed up and asked for all my information, and asked why I did it and such. They said I'd get a card in the mail within a few weeks that would tell me my court date. My mom got there finally and took me home crying.

So, my question is, about how much should the fine be? Will this stay on my record forever, and will I get a probation officer?
And is court scary?

So, my question is, about how much should the fine be?Generally petty theft fines are less than $500.00. However there could be additional monies for classes and of course Civil Demand Will this stay on my record forever, If convicted yes so talk to an Attorney and ask about Diversion and will I get a probation officer? Not likely unless charged with felony you will probably get summary probation
And is court scary?
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