Recent content by werdna5225

  1. W

    VIN Numbers

    sorry I thought I gave my state, it is oklahoma, and thanks for the reply.
  2. W

    VIN Numbers

    I am restoring a car and I would like to know what is legal and illegal about switching trim tags on cars. I want to use the body of one car and the frame of another. Is this legal, if it is how do I go about changing the trim tags?
  3. W

    Stolen Car

    we had insurance until the car was stolen then we canceled it. The two accidents were not our fault one was a deer the other a drunk driver running into us. This is why we could not get the insurance we needed, but we had it until it got stolen.
  4. W

    Stolen Car

    My car was stolen today and I was wondering if there is any help out there to find it besides the police, also is there any money out there to help me buy a new car? I already reported the car as stolen, we had insurance on it but we canceled it because it was only liability (it has been...
  5. W

    Stolen car

    My car was stolen today and I was wondering if there is any help out there to find it besides the police, also is there any money out there to help me buy a new car? I already reported the car as stolen, we had insurance on it but we canceled it because it was only liability (it has been...