Recent content by vegas08

  1. V

    Where are my payments

    Get a lawyer. He owes you money and you need someone smart and strong to fight to get your money.
  2. V

    What can I do?

    First, he doesn't need to listen to this girl she is full of crap. He needs to march down to the attorney general's office or lawyer's office and get some visitation set up. Granted he will have to start paying child support, but that's his duty.
  3. V

    Confusing Custody, PLEASE HELP

    The order states this as the Special Possession Order Until Child Starts Kindergarten. This is a TX state Court Order
  4. V

    Confusing Custody, PLEASE HELP

    Me and my ex have a special possesion order until the child starts Kindergarten then it turns to standard possession. The Special possession order states: It is ordered that he shall have the right of possession on the 1st Sunday at 6 p.m. until the 3rd Sunday at 6 p.m.. It is further ordered...