Recent content by tymedunn

  1. T

    Question regarding public defender

    Call Upward Public Pretenders are a joke. Their only purpose is to serve their hours until they can become prosecutors anyway. (Although there are a few sincere individuals) So, call, call, call! The public defender will never do anything to help your son. You need to do all the legal footwork...
  2. T

    Construction Contract and Verbal Agreement

    What to do You can easily sue him for many things, but good luck getting any payments. Best option: start your life over ASAP. Go get another job (you're extremely experienced; even in a recession you'll find work) or use the equiptment you and your friend unfortunately bought and start your...
  3. T

    Pro Se (filing addendums)

    I currently have a lawsuit out against my employer and the judge has made a "report and recommendation" to dismiss. I "objected" (pro se) and the defendant objected my objection. Can I make an addendum to my objection before the Magistrate makes a decision??