Recent content by tw69

  1. T

    Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Question about DA's

    If you live in monroe county your screwed they are the most corupt county around. From the judges to the public defender.
  2. T

    Assault & Battery looking at 25 to life at 16

    Do not get a public defender my husband also fought back against a gang member and the gang member was killed. He was charged with 3rd degree murder and is know doing 15 to 30 years. Our public defender screwed us dab. I think his case was decided before the trial started. You need to prove the...
  3. T

    Arrest, Search, Seizure, Warrant miranda warning

    If someone is arrested in new jersey for a crime that was commited in pa,and sent back to pa. do the pa police need to have them sign a miranda warning card if the new jersey police did?