Recent content by tstearns

  1. T

    Joint Property,acct. included in estate?

    My jurisdiction is: IL Are accounts, real estate, auto titles held in joint tenancy included in the estate of a deceased or do they go unaccounted for in the estate and go automatically to the joint holder? Must all wills be probated or only if the estate is over a certain amount?
  2. T

    Complicated settling of estate - need to locate belongings

    It is a pity that death brings out the emotional ugliness of some people. It sounds as though mother was estranged from daughter. It will probably be expensive to track down things. I am not an attorney but if I were to persue a course of action I would contact a private investigator and an...
  3. T

    inheritance of credit card debt

    Are the children on the credit card account as a responsible party?
  4. T

    Tax on buyout of inherited home

    I'm not an attorney but what your sister says makes sense. The title of the property is in you and your sister's names, not the estate's. Good luck!
  5. T

    Dad Losing Rights To His House Grandma Left Him And Siblings

    I'm not an attorney but I would want a copy of this living will document they are refering to and then consult with an attorney.
  6. T

    Gift Deed

    I'm not an attorney and I know Texas law is a little different than some states. However, (1)a person can generally do a quit claim deed of interest in a property to another person without an attorney. (2) Whether you call it a gift or exchange a minimal sum may have other financial and...
  7. T

    aware but not physically able to sign new will

    Parents made wills in 1984 leaving estate to each other then to children, per stirpes, if one parent predeceased other. One parent and 2 children predeceased remaining parent and one child. Child had POA for parent many years, even while one sibling was alive. Surviving parent attached hand...