Recent content by trishglammy

  1. T

    Left without Heat

    Simple answer, my apt is 2 minutes from my best friend, and 5 minutes from my parents, and my ex hubby still wants me dead. Being near family makes me feel safer. I live in a very small town, and these are the only apts that are subsidized. I am unable to drive, so I also rely on them to...
  2. T

    Left without Heat

    I was sent this by a friend... is this true? According to 48 U.S. states, it is illegal for any landlord to operate in that fashion. Technically, they are to have soomeone on call 24/7 for any emergency, be you have children or not. Two states are not required ... Hawaii and Alaska, although...
  3. T

    Left without Heat

    Oh, and Innerlaner before you get a preconcieved notion of who I am and what I am after, let me explain something. I used to be able, I used to work, I am an educated woman, who used to get paid quite well at what I did. I owned my first business at the age of 14, with finicial advisors and all...
  4. T

    Left without Heat

    He should have fixed it. I am not wanting to sue them, but I am wanting to know my rights, if hes allowed to just leave without fixing the problem. Having no heat in the middle of a freezing cold night isn't fun. If he can't fix it, is it then my responsibility, or do I find someone who can and...
  5. T

    Left without Heat

    I live in subsidized housing in a small town. Last night the heat went out. I have the kind where it flows water to heat up the apt. It didn't get cold in the apt until 9pm. That is when I noticed that it must have went out. So, I called the manager, and she was rude about calling someone that...