Recent content by TheDemon

  1. T

    Pay Raise Not Given

    True, but I'm not about to be without a job, not the way things are right now. It's tough sometimes, especially when people make me want to choke them, but I'll keep my paycheck coming and hope the lottery gods smile upon me soon :D
  2. T

    Pay Raise Not Given

    Yeah, I asked my Mom her thoughts on the situation, and she said being a non-union company they can pretty much do as they please. Kentucky is an at-will employment state, so they can fire people as they see fit without needing to explain it. Sucks for the workforce. I wish there was...
  3. T

    Pay Raise Not Given

    I'm in Kentucky with a similar problem. My evaluation came up in mid-January. I was told then I would get a raise of x cents per hour, however the company was working on some financial something-or-other regarding raises, and raises wouldn't be effective for a few weeks. We would get back-pay...