Recent content by Suzzy Gonzalez

  1. S


    What is the best recourse in resolving this, for once and for all? Is it best to get a lawyer and/ private investigator? I ask because this has been neverending as my stalker has been relentless in all this. Thank you
  2. S


    Yes I owned the phone, all throughout this time. At the time, I didn't know my phone was being hacked as I was led to believe I was being stalked physically whenever he would post my whereabouts via Craigslist. I had just figured out my phone was hacked and that was how I was being stalked. As...
  3. S


    I have been cyberstalked, harassed for the past ten years straight to this day. It is possible, this is an old boyfriend but I am not entirely sure. I have recently just found out, my android phone has been rooted/hacked. My email, bank and credit card accounts has all been compromised...